Friday, 20 November 2015

GM crops and Pakistan

Genetically modified crops have been introduced in Pakistan since the last few decades. Many people are in favor of GM crops but there are a number of people who argue against the production and commercialization of GM crops. As everything has a dark and bright side, GM crops also has beneficial as well as harmful effects.
The Bright side
By reviewing the good and beneficial results of GM crops, we must be convinced that production of GM crops can increase the annual income from crops to a high level. Benefits of GM crops include for instance high yield of some crops, pest resistance, herbicide tolerance, production of new and high quality varieties and many more.
In March 2007, a three day workshop was organized on “innovative aspects of Biotechnology and its better awareness and dissemination” by the collaboration of ISESCO, Comstech, Pakistan Biotechnology Information Center (PABIC) and International Service of Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA). The main objective of this workshop was to encourage media personals to write and disseminate importance and benefits of modern biotechnology especially GM crops. Dr Atta ur Rehman, the chairperson of Higher Education Commission explained the importance of Biotechnology in a Country’s development. Other renowned scientists were also present at the occasion.
Adapted from
Adapted from

Economic survey 2005-2006 showed the weak performance of agriculture because of the poor yield of two important crops; cotton and sugarcane. Pakistan’s yield per acre ranks below the average due to high costs of seed, fertilizers, and pesticides, low quality and less quantity of varieties of seeds, low level facilities of irrigation, pest attacks etc. Planning commission of Pakistan reported that Pakistan have to increase its crop yield according to the increasing growth of population.
In the past, before the arrival of modern Biotechnology, farmers had only one option to avoid pests, i.e. use of chemical pesticides. But now scientists and researchers have provided the option of GM crops which are genetically modified to have built-in pest resistance. Not only pest resistance crops have been produced but there are also such varieties which have ability to control the level of weeds in the agricultural land. The good thing is that Pakistan is adapting this technology from the past few decades.
Development of GM crops in Pakistan
Many institutions, government organizations and research centers are working on this aspect, for instance Pakistan Biotechnology Information Center (PABIC), ISAAA, National commission of Biotechnology, National Institute for Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering (NIBGE), Ayub Agriculture Research Institute, Department of Agriculture and Biotechnology of Pakistan Atomic energy commission (PAEC), and many others.
40 cases of laboratory manipulation, commercial production, and field trials of GM crops have been submitted by NIBGE to Pakistan Biosafety commission. “First Generation crops” include single gene introduction to develop pest resistance, virus control, resistance against abiotic stress such as salt, drought, and heat tolerance. One non-GM and two GM cotton varieties have been approved by National Biosafety commission. After this, second and this generation crops have been developed by the scientists and researchers of NIBGE. However third generation crops require high scientific expertise and is under process.
A new research station at Lasbella is working to increase cotton yield by controlling cotton leaf curl (CLCV) virus, in collaboration with Lasbella University of Agriculture Water and Marine Sciences.
Agriculture and Biotechnology department of Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission have released approximately 85 varieties of GM crops
Table here shows the varieties released by different institutes working under PAEC.
The Dark Side
If we look at the dark side of GM crops, issues regarding health and environment come into account. Sometimes GM crops can be dangerous to health if the desired modification is reversed by some factors. Genetic modification sometimes may result into a crop variety which is more vulnerable to pests. But proper risk assessment precautions and careful use of techniques play a big role in minimizing the harmful effects to 0%.
On 7th April 2015, Minister of Climate Change, Mushahid ullah Khan stated that “Pakistan will not allow the commercialization of GM crops without a proper research and regulatory mechanism to ensure the safety of Citizens”
The minister also said that he believes that genetically modified food is a big cause of cancer and other health problems. The minister’s statement was correlated with the international health day commemorated on 7th April 2015.  WHO (World Health Organization) is taking steps to eliminate the risks related to food security under the slogan “From farm to plate, make food safe”.
If I summarize the whole study, it can be manifested that GM crops have both good and bad aspects, but the good aspect is dominated because there is a solution of problems related to GM crops, but there is no replacement of benefits related to them.  Scientists and researchers are working diligently to produce more and high quality varieties but they also need the support of the people and government to continue their work on high levels. People must be educated to realize the scope and importance of GM crops, and they must understand how biotechnology can increase the annual income of our country.


Genetically modified Human Embryo: What’s the Truth?

Few months ago, waved across the scientific community that some scientists are trying to modify human genetic material at embryo level. What was the truth behind it? Has something happened like this? Yes! This has actually been done. A group of scientists from Sun-Yat-Sen University in Guangzhou China under the supervision of Junjiu Huang claimed that they have performed a successful experiment on human embryo. A research paper was published in Journal Protein and Cell on 18 April 2015 revealing that how the Chinese scientists genetically modified human embryo.
Chinese scientists used a technique of gene editing called “CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat” to remove the diseased gene sequence. This experimentation was done on the 86 embryos collected from IVF clinics (in vitro fertilization) after endorsing that these are “non-viable” embryos and cannot result into a live birth. These embryos had the diseased gene of fatal blood disorder Beta thalassaemia. Scientists attempted to modify the diseased gene by using the technique CRISPR/Case9. The researchers said that they faced the serious complications and hurdles in the medical application of the method.
Scientists attempted to inject 86 embryos and kept them for 48 hours, because it was the enough time for embryos to grow into 8 cells each and for CRISPR/Case9 system to complete its work by replacing the missing DNA. 54 embryos were genetically tested out of 71 surviving embryos, revealing that only 28 gave the expecting results, from them only a little fraction contained the required genetic material. Huang commented on this that “If you want to do it in normal embryos, you need to close to 100%, that’s why we stopped, and we still think that its immature”.
George Daley, a stem cell biologist at Harvard medical school Boston, said that “I believe this is the first report of CRISPR/Cas9 applied to human pre-implantation embryos and as such the study is a landmark, as well as a cautionary tale” He further commented that “Their study should be a stern warning to any practitioner who thinks the technology is ready for testing to eradicate disease genes”
Two famous and high impact Journals “NATURE” and “SCIENCE” rejected to publish that paper because it is going to create a great controversy and has ignited a big ethical debate in the scientific world. Till now most of the scientists rejected this technique because it is against ethical laws. Some scientists who write in “NATURE” have grave concern and they said that genetic modification of human embryos requires a global moratorium.
If we talk in support of modifying human embryos, it’s a good technique to eradicate many genetic and inherited diseases. Another advantage is to understand and cope with the risks at embryo level. Use of this technology can bring a revolution in the genetic world by eradicating many gene disorders.
But, supporting this technique means to reject all ethical laws. There is a big risk of unexpected result and it may result into some new type of genetic disorder which will never have a cure. Huang itself pointed out that after experimentation that he and his team also found a number of surprising mutations which were introduced by CRISPR/case9 system’s actions on other parts of the genome. Genetic modification of human embryos is unethical according to both law and religion. This is unethical and will always be unethical, because the resulting human may have such type of characteristic which will not only affect that person but also the whole society. Their children and their children’s children and so on to the generations will suffer.
Science must be used for the welfare of mankind, not for the creation of new problems. Genetic modification at the embryo level and attempts to genetically modify humans is interference in the laws of nature. Scientists should stop such experiments.
The rule must be “science for humanity’ not ‘Humanity for science”.


A reptile, Native to Pakistan: The Gavial

Once I visited the Lahore zoo, that time I had never seen a crocodile live, but there I saw a long snouted crocodile in a pond. I was astonished, “Oh, this crocodile is so large”, but my father told me that it is not a crocodile, it is “Gharial (Gavial)” and it belongs to the Crocodilian species. It is interesting to know that this animal founds only on Indus River Pakistan across the Gangetic Floodplain to the Irrawaddy River in Myanmar so it is also called “Indian Gavial”.
Gavial(Gavialis gangeticus) belongs to the family Gavialidae, is a long and narrow snouted animal having size 13ft to 19.7ft , the largest one is of 30ft. They live usually 40 to 60 years. An olive/grey color animal looks horrible but it is not known to attack humans, but people are advised to stay away from them because it is huge animal having weight up to 450 kgs and big jaws with sharp teeth, 54-58 teeth on upper jaw and 50-52 teeth on lower jaw. Fishes are most favorite food for gavials but the small gavials also feed on carrions.
rafia hassanA-r
As mentioned above, it is native to Pakistan, and usually found on the banks of River Indus, we can say that it’s the property of Pakistan but Alas, this property of our country is going towards extinction. Gavial has included in highly endangered species of Pakistan. Only 2% of this animal exists now as compared to its population many years ago. In Lahore zoo, there is only two female Gavial but no male Gavial. In 2004, some animals were exchanged between Lahore and Karachi zoo, and a male gavial was transported from Karachi to Lahore. But it was found dead after one day, so now Lahore zoo has two female gavials.
There is a high demand of gavials from private zoo and safari parks because of its beautiful skin and attractive appearance, said by an officer from wildlife department Sindh, but now they have not found any gavial from Nara and Jamrao Canal. This unique reptile is on the brink of extinction because of human predators and smugglers. Government should take steps to save this reptile by protecting it from hunters and smugglers. Wild life departments should have rights to punish hunters. There is also a need to avoid such activities which are not suitable for the survival of this unique reptile.


Neural Basis of Memory

The capability which sets humans apart from other animals is learning and memory. Learning is defined as a change in behavior as a result of experience, and memory is what has been learned. Language, knowledge, culture and attitude are all learned.
Iconic memory
All humans have virtually perfect graphical or photographic memory. When a visual scene and array of letters is shown to you for a moment, much accurate information about the scene is held in the memory. But this photographic memory lasts only for about one tenth of a second; most of its part is then forgotten. It is also called “iconic memory”. The word iconic is derived form the Greek word “icon” meaning “image”.
Short term memory
When you look up a new telephone number, you can remember it just long enough to dial, it will be forgotten if you do not repeat it to yourself. This is short term or immediate memory. Actually this is what your brain hold immediate awareness at a single moment. Short term memory is limited to almost 7 items held in memory for a moment. Your short term memory may be taxed beyond its limit if you have to remember some zip code or new telephone number.
Long term Memory
If you practice a new telephone number and repeat it again and again, by sometime you are able to remember it for a long period of time or sometimes you remember it permanently. This is long term memory. Some people has ability to remember telephone numbers immediately while some people always forget the numbers. This depends on person’s brain that of what things it has ability to remember for a long time.
Memory and Neurons
Neuron is the basic unit of brain; we can say that the core component of brain is neuron or nerve cell. Neuron plays a role of transmitter and transmits information to other parts via electrochemical signaling. A human’s brain has almost 100 billion neurons and each neuron is connected with 10,000other neurons and passes signals to each other via synaptic network. The specificity of neurons is that they never die and never be replaced by new ones. If some of them are lost due to some accident, they can never be replaced by new ones except some specific cases.

Structure of a typical neuron (adapted from

Human memory capacity is estimated to be varying widely from 1 to 1000 terabytes which is more than the storage in any library in the world. A human’s memory depends on the number of neurons present, more number of neurons, more strong memory.
Scientists observed that if they provide electric impulse to a pair to neurons, a long term transmission connection is established between them, and a long-term potentiation(LTP) is created whose effect can last for long time, this helps to make a memory. The part of the brain, hippocampus controls all the memory related processes.
A recent study in March 2015 depicts that memory does not live in neuron synapses (the part of junction of two neurons), scientists said that the memory may forms when there are some permanent changes in chemical and molecular level during the transmission of signals between the neurons. And another chance of making memory is the changes in genes present in the nucleus of the brains cells.
Brain is the main part of the body and its health is necessary for the overall health. People who don’t care about their food and living styles, and keep on using excessive fast food and unhygienic food, they gradually face a loss in their memory. So take care of your brain and eat healthy food.
The brain; an introduction to neuroscience by Richard F Thompson

Saturday, 14 November 2015

Hypocrisy of International organizations

#FranceAttack 2015 is really a very tragic incident and condemnable terrorist attack. Man innocent people died and hundred’s are injured. But I want to ask some questions from the world, what is the value of people of Syria, Iraq, Palestine, Libya, Burma, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and some regions of Middle East? Are not they human? Why are they treated as Aliens? Why there is no international movement against terrorist attacks in these countries? I am Pakistani and I represent my Nation, I feel the problems and grieve of my nation from the core of my heart. My heart weeps whenever there is some terrorist attack on any community because the people, who die, are humans, and Islam teaches humanity.
In December 2014, The Army public school Peshawar was attacked by terrorists, there were 147 children martyred. They were innocent, they were our future, they were the shining stars of our nation, but who cares? International organizations just spoke the two lines of condemnation and then “SILENCE”. And now, 137 people died, who were enjoying their life, and terrorists didn’t care about their parents, their children and their loved ones. Terrorism has not religion but this cruel ISIS pretends to be Muslim to distort the real face of Muslims and Islam.
I request to the world, please do not discriminate, because this discrimination leads to hatred and hatred leads to the destruction of nations. Terrorism affects all of us, do not act and react like be Westerns, Europeans, Americans or French, act like “humans”. Muslims are not week, so do not take them “for granted”.

I pray to Allah to save this world from the scourge of terrorism and save every human. 

Saturday, 7 November 2015

Difference between Biosafety and Biosecurity

Biosafety means to reduce or eliminate the exposure of laboratory workers to outside environment to potentially hazardous and infectious materials/agents/ toxins.
Biosafety is the strict adherence to standard lab practices and techniques, know-how and training, laboratory safety equipments and safety design for worker protection and infectious materials/agents/toxins.
Biosafety Vs Biosecurity
1)      The term Biosafety refers to routines and techniques required to prevent unintentional exposure or contaminations of contagious or toxic biological materials.
2)      The containment principles, practices and technologies that are implemented to prevent the accidentals exposure to pathogens, toxins or their accidental release.
3)      The protection of people and environment from exposure to contagious biological material generated in lab.
4)      Poor biosafety could lead to the laboratory infections or a contamination of the environment.
5)      Biosafety aims to protect the environment and workplace.
1)      The term Biosecurity refers to the routines and techniques to prevent the intentional exposure or contaminations of contagious or toxic biological materials.
2)      The systematic use of appropriate biosafety principles and practices reduces the risk of accidental exposure and paves the way for reducing the risks of valuable biological material loss, theft or misuse caused by the poor management or poor accountability and protection.
3)      Control of accidental and deliberate release of biohazardous material.
4)      Poor biosecurity may lead to theft/break-ins abuse and intentional exposure.
5)      Biosecurity aims to minimize the risk of theft, loss, intentional exposures and releases of pathogens or toxins.

Friday, 30 October 2015

Imran Khan divorced Reham Khan

Imran Khan, the leader of Pakistan tehreek e Insaf, divorced his second wife Reham Khan. Imran Khan is getting famous among the people in the aspect of politics but this incident of divorce may impact serious effects on the political popularity of Imran Khan. Many people are shocked on this news but it is 100% true and Naeem ul Haq has also verified this news. As the PM Nawaz sharfi said that we must not interfere in the personal life of Imran Khan, we have no right to discuss his private life. But problem is that the Reham Khan and Imran Khan like to be in news previously and many media anchors interviewed both of them. Imran Khan and Reham Khan adore each other in front of media and now it is a very surprising news because their marriage is not even a year old.
There are some rumors about third marriage of Imran Khan, but that marriage may of his sister’s choice. There are also some rumors that Imran Khan divorced Rehma Khan due to his sisters because Imran khan meet his sisters tomorrow. After the tweet of Jemima (ex wife of Imran Khan) this divorce is more to be considered. Jemima tweeted that she may be falling in love with Imran Khan. This tweet sends many messages that may be Imran Khan marry again to Jemima Khan. Some people are talking about the behavior of Rehma Khan that she talks very rudely to Imran Khan and party leaders that’s why Imran Khan decided to leave her. There are also some rumors that Imran Khan divorced Reham Khan due to interference of Jahangir Tareen and Jahangir Tareen asked Imran Khan to divorce Reham but Jahangir Tareen denied to accept this rumor in front of Media.

Whatever the reason may be of this divorce but, Imran Khan is going to lose his political popularity. Imran Khan may lose his position in these elections. This tragedy may affect his position but some TV anchors are saying that he may get higher position. Hope these elections be successful in the favor of our country. 

Sunday, 30 August 2015

Current Political Condition in Pakistan

Since 2013, when the government of N-league was elected, Pakistan’s political, social and economical condition is facing ups and downs. Imran Khan of Pakistan Tehreek e Insaaf is still trying to dismiss the existing government by accusing government of N-league is the result of rigging in elections. His blames are true to some extent; this has been proved by judicial commission which is established to check rigging. Now the political condition is getting worse. Karachi’s most strong political party MQM, is accused of spreading terrorism and Pakistan rangers has arrested many activists and facilitators of MQM, due to this, the leader of MQM Altaf Husain(residing in London) is continuously blaming Pakistan Army and Rangers that they are spreading discrimination. Altaf’s speeches are spreading hatered that’s why, PEMRA has banned the coverage of his speeches. Pakistan’s second biggest political party, Peoples Party is in very worse condition now a days, NAB (national accountability beuro) has arrested former minister of petroleum, and chairman of Sindh higher education commission; Doctor Asim Husain blaming him for corruption and contacts with terrorists. He is close friend of former president of Pakistan, Asif Ali Zardari but zardari is put of country. NAB has also issued arrest warrants of two important members of PPP, Amin Fahim and Yousaf Raza Gilani. Opposition leader Khoursheed Shah protested against this and said that if anyone tried to accuse zardari then we will not bear it , and a political war will be started-league (the ruling party) is also facing problems as its some elected MNAs have been disqualified by the judicial commission due to some strong evidences of rigging in election 2013. On the other hand, India is continuously breaking the border rules and spreading hatred between two countries. Violating the ceasefire agreement, India attacked on a Pakistani village near border, many people injured and some are also martyred, there is a wave of anger among the people. Pakistan army counter-attacked on India but didn’t attack on urban and rural population of India. Pakistan government and army spokesman are warning India to control its forces otherwise we will remind 1965. The existing condition is Pakistan are certainly the harbinger of some new happening, it’s the warning that something new is going to happen. Almost all Pakistanis are looking towards Army Chief Gen Raheel Sharif to take out Pakistan from this crisis. Now wait for the time and hope for the best. Actually the solution of this crisis is to arrest all the corrupt politicians of all political parties. New government should be elected by rigging free elections. The need of time is to identify and recognize sensible and sincere leaders.

Friday, 28 August 2015

Green Army

Today 14th august 2015  Independence Day of the green country Pakistan, my beloved homeland. Our whole nation is enjoying and celebrating this historical day and remembering the sacrifices of many people who gave blood in the name of this beloved land. Whole nation is saluting Pakistan security forces that don’t even care about their life in favor of Pakistan. When the celebrations are heading towards end, a senator of ruling party “mushahid ullah” tried to defame Pakistan army and ISI. He gave an interview to BBC Urdu that former head of Pakistan ISI “Zaheer ul Islam” was behind the protest of PTI and he wanted to take over the country. Mushahid ullah gave a reference of some audio tape and said that army chief and prime minister were astonished after listening that tape. After this interview, Mushahid ullah escaped from the country and now he is not in contact of any one. Government spokesman denied the presence of any such audio tape and asked Mushahid Ullah to give explanation of his statement.
Now, a new debate has started in country that what was behind the sittings of PTI in Islamabad and whether the Army or ISI was involved or not. Regardless of this debate, one thing is clear, every action, every statement against army or ISI will not be tolerated. Our nation has much confidence in army and ISI. We will not allow any political party to bark against our beloved army. Our army is one of the best forces of the world and we are proud of it. Love Pakistan , Love Pakistan forces. <3<3

Thursday, 27 August 2015

Role of Bacteria in Plants

There are number of environmental factors that are responsible for retarding growth of plants. These include the flooding, salt, heavy metals, and manyphytopathogens. Many trials have been done to plants in order to make plants resistant to the deleterious effects of these environmental conditions. One of the researches was done on pepper plant and tomato plant to confer resistance to water stress. In this study, the bacteria having the ACC deaminase activity was isolated from soil samples. Inoculation of pepper plant with one of the strain (Achromobacter piechaudii ARV8) isolated- that is also reported to conferresistence to salt stress in both tomato and pepper plant- significantly increased the fresh and dry weights of both tomato and pepper seedlings exposed to temporary water stress. The bacterium also reduced the ethylene production in tomato saplings, following water pressure. In accumulation with A. piechaudiiARV8 strain, another strain Pseudomonas putida GR12-2 was also inoculated in both plants. After 7 weeks, the fresh and dry weights and growth for both plants were recorded and there was also seen a difference between two plants. The ratio of bacterial treated/bacterial non-treated was higher in tomato plants than with pepper plants

Ethical concerns about the production of energy from Coal

 Ø Environmental Impacts
Coal-fired power plants use large quantities of water for producing steam and for cooling. When coal-fired power plants remove water from a lake or river, fish and other aquatic life can be affected, as well as animals and people who depend on these aquatic resources.
Further, if rain falls on coal stored in piles outside the power plant, the water that runs off these piles can flush heavy metals from the coal, such as arsenic and lead, into nearby bodies of water. Coal mining can also contaminate bodies of water with heavy metals when the water used to clean the coal is discharged back into the environment.
The burning of coal creates solid waste, called ash, which is composed primarily of metal oxides and alkali.On average, the ash content of coal is 10 percent.Solidwaste is also created at coal mines when coal is cleaned and at power plants when air pollutants are removed from the stack gas.
Ø  Health impacts

§  Respiratory Effects:
Specific pollutants from burning coal that cause a negative health effect on the respiratory system include particulate matter (PM), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and oxides of nitrogen such as NO2. The mechanism injury to the airways and lungs via damage to cells caused by oxidizing molecules in pollutants. This leads to inflammation, cytotoxicity, and cell death.
§  Cardiovascular Effects:
Coal-fired power plants contribute to the global burden of cardiovascular disease primarily through the emission of particulate matter. Particles less than 2.5 microns in diameter have been causally linked to cardiovascular disease anddeath.The mechanism of cardiovascular injury is the same as for the respiratory system: oxidative stress from oxidizing molecules in pollutants leads to inflammation and cytotoxicity. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that worldwide, 5% of cardiopulmonary deaths are due to particulate matterpollution.Air pollution from coal plants affects respiratory and cardiovascular systems, causes abnormal neurological development in children, poor growth of the fetus before birth, and cancer.
§  Reproductive Health:
A literature review of air pollution’s effects on pregnancy outcomes suggests that the evidence is sufficient to conclude that exposure to air pollution during pregnancy can cause low birthweight.Researchers have studied the association between electricity generation from coalfired power plants and infant mortality.Infant mortality was shown to increase with increased coal consumption in countries that had mid to low infant mortality rate.
§  Neurological  Effects:
Mercury Coal contains many naturally-occurring heavy metals, including mercury. When coal is burned, mercury is emitted into the atmosphere in gaseous form.The mercury emitted into the atmosphere from coal-burning power plants is deposited into waterways, converted to methylmercury, and passed up the aquatic food chain.Consumption of methyl mercury-contaminated fish, from mercury emissions locally, regionally, and internationally, by pregnant women can cause developmental effects in their offspring such as lower intelligence levels, delayedneurodevelopment, and subtle changes in vision, memory, and language.A study modeling the effect of coal use for power generation on life expectancy found that the use of coal predicted a decrease in life expectancy in countries with moderate life expectancy.

Role of Phytohormones in Plants

At present, the involvement of plant hormones and their effects on plant has become a subject of interest in plant water relations. The effect of water stress on plant hormones (GAsIAA and ABA) level in the leaves and flower-bud formation of the Satsuma mandarin (Citrus unshiu Marc.) trees was studied to determine the relationship between flower-bud induction and the level of endogenous plant hormones as a result of water stress. The quantity of GA was significantly higher in the leaves of the trees under severe water stress than in the leaves of the trees enduring the moderate water stress. The quantity of IAAin the leaves of the trees under moderate water stress was higher. These findings indicate that the levels of GA are increased by severe water stress, higher in the leaves from the branches that produce fewer flowers during flower-bud induction periods. The levels of IAA were higher in the leaves from the branches that produced more flowers during the season when flower-buds form. Plant water stress and some other stresses enhance senescence. They also bring about decrease in the levels of endogenous Cytokinins

Exogenous Cytokinins retard leaf senescence and may stimulate stomatal opening. Later on, studies in the subject gained momentum from the various observations of the role of abscisicacid in stomatal opening. Abscisic acid brings about rapid stomatal closure and its endogenous levels in leaves increase rapidly when plants are subjected to water stress or several other stresses. Hypotheses and data relevant to the possible role of hormones in plants subjected to environmental stresses are presented and studied. The role of plant hormones is complicated biologically and biochemically. In most cases it is which will signal a hormonal response. When applied, the  hormones will regulate the organization of the internal chemistry of the plant cell, and the interaction among cells, but the degree of interaction will still depend upon the plant species, the stage of plant development and the external environment.

how to control anger

All of us experience anger many times, due to many reasons. And sometimes our anger can ruin our life, or can ruin many other lives. for example, someone broke you favorite decoration piece which was your friend's gift, you feel very bad, you wan tot kill the person who broke it, but please be patient , this was a mistake and that decoration piece was not a living being, control yourself and your tongue, your words can break someone's heart and that person is a human, a living being, so your decoration piece is not more important than a human. Think , if you had broken that decoration piece then what would you do?obviously you will only regret but you can not beat yourself , can you speak to yourself harshly? No. this is the only one example, there are many other such examples.

Now come to the point, how to actually control your anger,  follow these steps
1)if you are standing, sit down

2)if you are sitting, lay down

3)if you are laying on the bed, stand up

4) if there is no place to sit, hold any wall around you and take deep breath

5)take long deep breath

6)drink cold water

7)close your eyes and think yourself at the place of others

9)if nothing work, leave everything and go outside

10)hold your phone or tablet and start playing some game

Hope any of these steps can work to control your anger :)